Sorana Stan
Sorana Stan originally hails from Fiena, Romania. She is friendly, always cheerful, calm, ambitious, and enjoys socializing. In addition, she loves playing the guitar, participating in sports, reading, and traveling. Within the team, she serves as one of the Embedded Systems Engineers, where she focusses on communication and enhancing data transfer within the exoskeleton. Through this role, she aims to acquire more practical knowledge about how an entire system functions from both hardware and software perspectives.
She chose to be a part of Project MARCH because she believes it holds immense potential to improve the lives of many people, which serves as a significant source of motivation for her. Her personal goal for this year is to gain valuable hands-on experience that she feels has been lacking in her studies, and to contribute as much as possible to the enhancement of the exoskeleton, preparing it for the Cybathlon competition.