Stijn van Disseldorp

Lead Embedded Systems and Electrical Stijn mainly functions as an Embedded Systems Engineer. He works on the motorcontrollers (or MDrives), both designing and assembling them. Furthermore, he is responsible for the functioning of the sensors and the computer of the exoskeleton. 

As Lead, Stijn also takes on the task of keeping an overview of the whole Embedded Systems and Electrical Department. He is the main point of contact for the Management Team, and, together with the Chief Engineer, Lead Mechanical and Lead Software, discusses the decisions that have to be made on a system level.

Stijn enjoys working in a team and is a strong analytical thinker. Besides, he is highly motivated to step out of his comfort zone and challenge himself to acquire new skills in his function as Lead Embedded Systems and Electrical. 

After completing a bachelor's degree in Applied Physics, Stijn sought to apply his theoretical knowledge to practical challenges. He looks forward to seeing the concepts he devised come to life in the exoskeleton.