Matei Dinescu
As a Control Engineer, Matei ensures that the motor controller actuates the joints with precision, following commands from the high-level software. His goal is to make the exoskeleton's movements safe, stable, smooth, and comfortable for the pilot. This role allows him to combine hands-on experience with theoretical knowledge.
Matei enjoys researching diverse control strategies and applying them to real-world challenges. His motivation stems not only from his technical background but also from personal experiences; having a motor-impaired family member has given him a deep understanding of how mobility aids can transform lives. Working with Project MARCH allows him to contribute to improving the quality of life for people with paraplegia.
Matei holds a Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Aerospace Engineering with a specialization in Control & Simulation. He describes himself as hard-working, open-minded, curious, resilient, and adaptable. For him, forming bonds with like-minded teammates, experiencing key milestones like the design presentation, and contributing to the exoskeleton reveal are some of the most rewarding aspects of his journey with Project MARCH.