Casper Engelen

Casper is a Software Engineer focused on maintaining and enhancing the software developed by previous Project MARCH teams. His role involves improving functionality and ensuring that the software runs smoothly on the hardware. The most rewarding part of his work is when the code is tested on actual hardware—it's all about iteratively debugging and making the system do exactly what he expects it to do.

What excites Casper about his role is the vast potential for improvement in exoskeleton technology. Despite active development, there’s still so much room to push the boundaries, and he’s driven by the challenge of contributing to that progress. He believes that Project MARCH’s focus on helping people makes the work deeply fulfilling. 

Software engineering suits Casper perfectly, as there is always room for optimization and improvement, with the only limitations being the hardware. This year, he’s focused on improving his coding skills while learning to implement complex algorithms related to multi-body dynamics, all within a multidisciplinary team.

With a background in Mechanical Engineering, a passion for development projects in lower-income countries, and experience volunteering for multiple non-profit organizations in Kenya, Casper brings a diverse skill set to the team. He’s excited about the small milestones that come with seeing the technology work for the first time.