Project Manager
As Project Manager you will ensure that the exoskeleton is finished on time by making and monitoring a planning for the whole team.
As Project Manager you map out all relevant deadlines in consultation with the project groups and departments and adjust the planning accordingly. You focus on the bigger picture, keeping everyone informed about what needs to be done and when it needs to be finished, to make sure the team builds a working exoskeleton within a year. Moreover, together with the Management Team you make sure all expected and unexpected team-wide events are tackled. You try to facilitate the workflow of the team in the best way you can, by looking ahead, anticipating on expected problems and solving them beforehand.
What you will do as Project Manager
As a Project Manager, your main task is to set up, keep track of and iterate the planning. This planning gives a global indication of the different phases to reach the team goal at the end of your year. On a daily basis, you work closely together with the Chief Engineer. Together, you think of the most optimal way to organise the whole year and you ensure that the interfaces between different project groups are discussed regularly and in detail, resulting in a clear planning that is supported by everyone. Therefore, you will be in close contact with all the team members. You are continuously involved with everything that the team is working on and you help them with prioritising.
Since you, as Project Manager, have a complete overview of all the diverse projects that both the engineering team and the operations team are working on, you are able to align this planning with all facets of the project, like dependencies and delivery times. You also ensure that the planning from the departments is integrated with the global planning of the entire MARCH year, which includes matters such as recruitment, events and training.
By being able to oversee the complete picture, you are often involved in making important decisions for specific but also team-wide matters. With your effective communication skills you can make an entire team focus on the same goal. Moreover, you have weekly meetings with the technical departments and the Management Team, so that together you can discuss and solve all general problems and advancements.
You recognize yourself in
You are able to keep a good overview while at the same time having a keen eye for details.
You are analytically strong.
You can set priorities and are not afraid to make decisions.
You have a great sense of responsibility and are often described as an initiator.
You are a go-getter and always try to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
You have a general technical background and interest.
You are familiar with some design processes and project management methods.
You are flexible and have great communication skills.
You are able to motivate people and your friends will describe you as a leader.
You want to become (even) better at
Making a team work as efficient as possible.
Working out processes.
Developing organizational skills.
Thinking in a problem-solving manner.
Communication flows with a big group.
Working independently within a team, setting your own deadlines while taking into account many others.
You get in return
Technical and personal skills.
Experience in working together in a large multi-disciplinary team.
Experience in the business world.
The space to make mistakes and learn from them.
A year full of unforgettable memories and new friends.