Lead Mechanical

As Lead Mechanical, you will mainly participate as a Mechanical Engineer in the department but you will also have some lead tasks. You will keep an overview of the whole Mechanical department and you are the main point of contact for the other departments.

As Lead Mechanical, you will keep track of the entire Mechanical department. You will make sure everybody is on track and look ahead for possible problems that could arise. Besides that, you are able to assess the delivered work on their quality, based on your function specific knowledge. Your function does however mainly focus on engineering related activities, for example you will be working in CAD to design the mechanical parts of the exoskeleton, consisting of the motors (joints) and the frame.

What you will do as Lead Mechanical

As Lead Mechanical, you will always be up to date on the progress of the other mechanical engineers. You will oversee the entire mechanical system and their dependencies. You will update the Chief Engineer on the progress and the possible problems that could evolve. Together with the Chief Engineer and Leads of the other technical departments, you will discuss the decisions that have to be made on a system level.

Your lead functions will be about 20% of your tasks, and for the other 80% you will be a mechanical engineer in the department and participate in the design process of both the joints and the frame.

You recognize yourself in

  • You have experience and enjoy working in CAD programs (e.g. SolidWorks or CATIA).

  • You are flexible and can work problem-oriented.

  • You are enthusiastic about statics, dynamics, mechatronics and/or mechanics of materials.

  • You are interested in the human movement.

  • You have a creative mindset.

  • You are handy and enthusiastic to work practically to make physical prototypes and to produce parts.

  • You are a teamplayer.

  • You have strong communicative skills and are able to transfer technical knowledge.

  • You enjoy helping other people when needed.

You want to become (even) better at 

  • Working together in a large multidisciplinary team.

  • Modelling in CAD software.

  • Working out detailed part specifications for production and assembly.

  • Choosing the right motors and transmissions for your application.

  • Performing FEM analyses (in e.g. Simcenter).

  • Drafting up working drawings as clearly as possible.

  • Working with milling/turning/CNC machines.

  • Designing and testing using prototypes.

  • Analyzing problems and setting priorities.

  • Working independently within a team, setting your own deadlines while taking into account many others.

  • Cooperating with people from different disciplines.

You get in return

  • Technical and personal skills.

  • Experience in working together in a large multi-disciplinary team.

  • You get to see a full design cycle coming to life.

  • Meetings with various companies for both consulting and production.

  • The space to make mistakes and learn from them.

  • A year full of unforgettable memories and new friends.


UX/UI Designer


Mechanical Engineer