
  • Project MARCH IX Design Presentation was a great success!

    Thursday the 7th of MARCH was the big day of our Design Presentation!

    We had a great time showing off the design of the ninth Project MARCH exoskeleton. For the MARCH IX exoskeleton, we will combine past innovations and connect those using new improvements. The MARCH IX exoskeleton has a 40% lighter frame, our first custom motor controllers, a new passive ankle joint that significantly increases reliability, and overhauled rotational joints which save a lot of weight.

    These improvements make MARCH IX our lightest, most dynamic, most reliable exoskeleton yet! Those qualities are essential when we compete in the CYBATHLON 2024.

  • SAVE THE DATE! | Project MARCH IX Design Presentation

    Project MARCH IX will be presenting their design on the 7th of March, 2024!

    Visit the Design Presentation, where they will present the design they’ll be taking to the CYBATHLON 2024! The team has worked hard for the last 7 months to design an exoskeleton fit for all 10 obstacles of the CYBATHLON, and are excited to show you the result of their efforts!

    Date: 07/03/2024

    Walk-in: 19.00
    Start: 19.30
    Ending/drinks: 20.30

    Location: TU Delft Aula | Auditorium

  • Project MARCH IX has started!

    The ninth year of Project MARCH has kicked off!

    The ninth team with 28 members, 27 full-time and 1 part-time, will design an exoskeleton that can complete all ten obstacles of the CYBATHLON 2024 in 10 minutes.

    Keep an eye on our socials to stay up to date with what the team is up to!

  • Design Presentation MARCH VIII

    MARCH VII has shown the design of their exoskeleton at the Aula of the TU Delft!

    MARCH VIII has shown the world how the exoskeleton will balance without crutches with the latest innovations.

    MARCH VIII will now start producing, building and testing the exoskeleton. By focusing on balance, users have their hands free with this exoskeleton! This makes the world a little more accessible for people with spinal cord injury.

  • New pilot: Koen van Zeeland

    Meet our pilot: Koen van Zeeland! He will be our 27th teammate and maybe the most valuable one. After being the pilot of MARCH 6 & 7, Koen is back to help us reach our goal of creating a self-balancing exoskeleton.

    He is the one who will be walking in the MARCH 8 exoskeleton on the 21st of July 2023. Koen we are happy to have you back on the team again!

  • MARCH 8 has started!

    On the 8th of August the handover from MARCH 7 to MARCH 8 started. During several weeks in the summer the team got to learn each other as well as the project. On the fifth of September MARCH 8 got officially installed and started their work on the eight exoskeleton.

    The goal for this year is to create a self-balancing exoskeleton. This means we can finally get rid of the crutches!

  • MARCH 7 reveal

    On the 19th of August MARCH 7 has revealed the exoskeleton they have been working on over the past year. This year the goal was to build an exoskeleton that enables our pilot to walk a pedestrian route by continuously generating walking patterns based on its perceived surroundings.

    During the Project MARCH event at the Maassilo in Rotterdam, the student team showed several innovations to the exoskeleton in a live demonstration.

  • Design presentation MARCH 7

    MARCH 7 has showed the design of their exoskeleton at the Aula of the TU Delft. The latest innovations will ensure the exoskeleton can run outdoors on a variety of surfaces this summer.

    MARCH 7 will now start the actual construction of the exoskeleton. By focusing on dynamic walking, users can go wherever they want with this exoskeleton! This makes the world a little more accessible for people with spinal cord injury.

  • World Exoskeleton Day

    On the 2nd of May Project MARCH initiated the first edition of World Exoskeleton Day. During World Exoskeleton day we celebrate the immense progress which has been made in the field of exoskeleton technology the last few years. At the same time we wish to inspire and inform people who might not not be familiar with exoskeleton technology. By creating awareness about this subject, we want people to understand that this is not a concept from the distant future. Exoskeletons are already changing the lives of people, in particularly medical exoskeletons.

    Check the the site here!
